Chess poker fighter combat guerrilla engagement

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Each shot fired and decision made, in addition to messages the players write in private forums, is a bit of information soaked up with a frequency not found in actual combat, or even in high-powered simulations without a wide network of players. The data is logged, sorted, and then analyzed, using... Last post wins! | Page 2 | Fur Affinity Forums Falken's maze black jack gin rummy hearts bridge checkers chess poker fighter combat guerrilla engagement desert warfare air-to-ground actions theaterwide tactical warfare theaterwide biotoxic and chemical warfare... Kuba's maze black jack gin rummy hearts checkers chess poker fighter combat guerrilla engagement desert warfare air-to-ground actions thearterwide tactical warfare thearterwide biotoxic and chemical warfare. wargames/ at master · abs0/wargames · GitHub

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Each shot fired and decision made, in addition to messages the players write in private forums, is a bit of information soaked up with a frequency not found in actual combat, or even in high-powered simulations without a wide network of players. The data is logged, sorted, and then analyzed, using... Last post wins! | Page 2 | Fur Affinity Forums Falken's maze black jack gin rummy hearts bridge checkers chess poker fighter combat guerrilla engagement desert warfare air-to-ground actions theaterwide tactical warfare theaterwide biotoxic and chemical warfare...